We would first like to thank Brian Lantis and MarLan Construction for sponsoring a hole in Gabi's memory. This is the second year in a row that we were the only people to have an individual sponsored on a hole, so we were pretty excited about that again.
We did not do all that great playing but we had a great time. My older brother Fred Acker Jr. played on the team. He's not a very avid golfer but a natural athlete so we used quite a few of his shots. We got more entertainment out of him on the trip home from the group photo...man it was funny. Travis Shuck played who was Freddie's best friend growing up and became one of my best friends too as I got past the annoying little brother phase, which was just a few years ago! haha. Travis is always a good time and yesterday was no different, I love his hat and may have to find one myself. Travis got tired of making fun of Freddie on the way home and fell asleep! Brian Lantis played with us as well, Brian is another childhood friend of ours. Again more Fred and Travis's when we were younger and I'm pretty sure I went back to being Freddie's annoying little brother yesterday with Brian! Now Brian is supposed to be our ringer but since he's been spending more time trying to keep his blood pressure down from coaching little league than golfing, his shots tended to slide a little to the right. One was a beaut though that was only a few feet from taking out the window of his own truck! I played brilliantly of course so no need to add any notes on my playing...haha NOT!
As we have all known each other for several years now it was a really good time. I'm hoping they'll all come back to play again next year, hopefully with some practice! My goal for next year is to raise enough money to sponsor a couple of teams as I have other friends that wanted to play but we were lucky to even have one team this year.
Here are some more pics from our day of Golf!
Sounds like a great time. How many times were you yelling "Fore!" to keep people watching safe? Can't wait for the walk...seems like its forever away. Be good.
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