Gabi's first trip to the pool with
Mommy and Sissy!
Mommy and Sissy!
Last week Gabi went to the cardiologist. She is doing great, still on track for surgery. She weighed in at 10lbs. 4oz and 21 3/4 inches long. I cannot believe how long she is getting and we are so pumped about her weight! The last 2 weeks have gone by so quickly, it's hard to believe we only have 3 weeks until surgery. Wow...reality is hitting and well let's just say it is not easy by any means. We are so blessed with all that we have. This beautiful baby girl, how lucky are we to get to spend our lives with her. God chose us and we cannot thank him enough, I just pray for the strength to get me through this next and recovery! I know I will be strong for her, I have to be, but it will totally rip at my heart until I can see her and have her in my arms where she belongs. I'm sorry, it's late and I had a rough night with the girls, so I am feeling a bit emotional. Then again I have a feeling up until we bring Gabi back home after surgery this is how it's gonna be...EMOTIONAL...sorry honey!!!
I want to thank all of you who have left comments. We truly appreciate it! I cannot tell you how much this blog has helped me. It is a great communication tool for those we don't see or talk to on a regular basis, but it is also a wonderful emotion releaser for that a real word, emotional releaser??? Oh well who cares, that is what it is for me. And for those of you who tried but couldn't get the comment to work, please try again for some reason the setting was off, but I fixed it. Thanks!
Gracie started swimming lessons for the next 2 weeks today. Her instructor said she is ahead of her class, she was excited to hear that! She starts gymnastics tomorrow. She is keeping herself rest for me!
Here's something to throw everyone off... Me and Jason's 1 year anniversary is Thursday... June 7th. That is the actual legal date, although the September ceremony is the one that meant the most to us. I cannot believe it has been a year. I still thank God everyday for bringing him into my life. He is the most amazing man I have every met, so kind, caring, loving, and very handsome... LOVE LOVE LOVE!!!
The Official Day!!!
Congrats to you and Jason! Happy Official Anniversary to the both of you. I am so excited to see your love grow and hope for the future to be even better than today.
love, erica
Hi there you beautiful family!
Just wanted you all to know you are in our thoughts and prayers. Jason gave us the address a while back and we've been checking in ever since. It's wonderful to see how you all are doing. I know I can't begin to know how much you are going thru Micah, but being a mom I know there is nothing more difficult -- and nothing more rewarding! Just reading your comments I can tell you're an amazing person and a fantastic mother - Jason is so lucky to have you! Anyway, take care and know there's someone in Montana thinking of you all.
Love, Sara (Knop) Hagen
Are those some cute sisters or what!? I might be a bit predjudice though :-)
Happy Late Anniversary! I love reading this and catching up on Gabi's progress! She looks so happy! Stay strong, you have done such a great job managing everything. Your entire family is in our thoughts and prayers with the upcoming surgery! All will go great and just as planned. Give the cutie a kiss for me!
Love - Jen Sword
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