At yesterdays appointment, I knew what to expect, but I was still hoping to hear what I such luck! The ultrasound went great, Kinsley is weighing in around 6 lbs 12 oz, give or take 20% either way. I am still only dilated to 1 cm. For some reason the kid really likes it in there, I keep telling her it would be better out here. Now with that being said we will go back in on Monday. If I have dilated anymore than we will schedule to induce on Wednesday, if not then we will schedule to induce on Friday. I, obviously, am really hoping for Wednesday, but more than likely I see it being Friday. Reason doc wants to induce is because if Kinsley continues to grow at the rate she is then she will definitely be to big for me to deliver naturally. We are trying to get around the cesarean, but whatever happens happens!
There is still a chance she could come on her own, before any of those days. My wish was to have her here before tomorrow. I have a feeling it is going to be a pretty rough day. I miss Gabi so much and I wish I could spend the day with her. I thought that if Kins came early it would help ease a little pain. Either way though, I had the most amazing experience with the most beautiful little angel and I am about to experience the most precious gift all over again, so I am very thankful! My girls are my strength and I can thank no one for that but God!
Tomorrow as all you mommies out there are spending time with your children, be thankful for the God's most precious gifts we can experience here on earth! And for mommies like me, who have been touched by an angel, give thanks for the most precious memories we have and the strength that our children still continue to give us from afar. God chose us as there moms for a reason and I believe we are lucky for that, although it is heavy on the heart, we can shine through just as our babies did!
Happy Mothers Day...hugs to all:)